Managing High Blood Pressure: Blood Pressure Monitor Loan

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bp machine

What is The Library Loan Scheme?

We have installed Blood Pressure machines at 3 libraries within Hillingdon, allowing residents to test out the machine by taking a one-off measurement and help to determine if they would benefit from using the loan scheme to borrow a blood pressure machine for a short period to use from home.

Who is this for?

For anyone that is 18 years and older, registered with a Hillingdon GP practice.

What's Involved?

You need to record readings for seven consecutive days, you can then take a copy of the results to your local surgery, or to any of the libraries participating in the scheme.  Your results will then  be added to your NHS medical record and reviewed by a doctor or nurse. 


The kits are available for loan from the following libraries (subject to availability):

Frequently Asked Questions

Who do I contact if a have a question?

You can contact our team Monday to Friday 9am to 5pm.

If you are in any way worried about a reading then you should contact your GP practice.

Does the blood pressure machine need to be returned to the same library I rented it from?

Yes. The loan agreement that you have to sign confirms that it must be returned to the library which you rented it from.

What happens if I am identified to have high blood pressure?

We will arrange for you to speak to one of our  GPs and your results will be sent to your practice.

Where do I record my readings?

You will be given a log sheet with dates, morning/afternoon/evening reading slots for your to complete.